With the introduction of the new qualifications for company secretaries and governance professionals, a new component for assessment has been introduced. These are called “work experience modules” and must be completed before a certificate can be issued to you.

Students studying for the NQF7 (Governance Practitioner) qualifications or the NQF 8 (Company Secretary/ Governance Professional) will need to complete these modules if they want to qualify. You will need to compile a portfolio of evidence for assessment. These modules should be completed at your workplace. Your employer will need to provide you with the facilities and support to complete these modules

When you are ready to do so, you may upload your compulsory Work Experience Portfolio of Evidence to Moodle. Please allow 20 working days from uploading the portfolio for assessment. Results will only be released once we have received the completed assessment form and proof of payment for the R300 assessment fee.

WEM CGISA Communique

WEM Board Communique

How to submit work experience portfolio

Work experience module FAQ

Work experience module assessment form

Guidelines for unemployed learners to complete a portfolio of evidence – Company Secretary

NQF 7 – Governance Practitioner

Work experience module logbook to be completed by the student

Work Experience module supervisor signoff

NQF 8 – Company Secretarial route

Work experience module logbook to be completed by the student

Work Experience module supervisor signoff

NQF 8 – Governance Professional route

Work experience module logbook to be completed by the student

Work Experience module supervisor signoff