Postponement of Examination
Students will be permitted to postpone only one examination sitting per module. Postponements are valid for six months. Should students not write the examination at the postponement session, they will need to re-enrol for the module in question and again pay the full Enrolment fee.
Application for a postponement
Postponement can only take place if you have paid your enrolment fees in full. Please note that we no longer have a de-registration option, and you would need to cancel your examination before closing dates or postpone your examination before closing dates.
Postponements due to work commitments, illness or bereavement of extended family members will not be considered under any circumstances.
Exam preparation
The number of credits is an indication of the time required to complete a module (multiple of ten). For instance, a 25-credit module requires 250 hours of preparation, consisting of any combination of study time, lecture attendance, assignments, exam preparation and work experience. The Institute assumes that by the time students write the examination/s, these requirements have been satisfied.
Past examination papers with model answers are available online free of charge to registered students via the online link. No past papers will be emailed, faxed or posted to students.
Examination dates
Examinations are written twice yearly in May and October. All examination papers currently have a three-hour duration.
- Closing date for May exam registration: 31 March 2025
- Closing Date for October exam registration: 31 August 2025
Please ensure that you allow yourself adequate time as all papers have a 15-minute reading time. Reading time from 08h45 to 09h00 for exams from 09h00 to 12h00 or reading time from 12h45 to 13h00 for exams from 13h00 to 16h00. Reading times apply for ALL examination papers.
All examinations occur on South African Standard Time (SAST)
Exam Open Book Policy
Please ensure that you have read and are familiar with our Open Book Policy which provides the rules for using certain resources in the examinations. It is important to note that only prescribed textbooks and prescribed readings in hard copy format are permitted.
Please note: Different editions (i.e. the list has the 3rd edition and you have an earlier edition – first or second) will still be permitted as they still considered prescribed textbooks. ALL examinations are open book.
Invigilators are authorised to inspect what you bring into the examination room, and you should not attempt to incorporate additional study material. This would be regarded as an attempt at cheating, and you could be prevented from writing and excluded from the venue.
The purpose of these texts is for occasional reference only – improper use will affect the time available to answer comprehensively. We encourage you to ensure that you adequately prepare for your exams by studying the course materials and taking advantage of pre-exam resources.
Examination conduct
To be admitted to the examination venue, students will be required to present the following:
- ID
- Examination Confirmation Letter
Students must arrive at the examination venue at least 30 minutes prior to the start time to allow settling and a 15-minute reading period. Students who arrive late will forego the reading period and sacrifice valuable writing time for reading of the paper.
All examinations must be written in black ballpoint ink. Students are not permitted to use any other colour/type of pen or pencils, even in the Financial Accounting examinations.
Examination venues
Accessing your results
Your student registration number and password are required to view your results online. Results will not be available telephonically.
Only students whose accounts have been paid in full will be entitled to their results. Results will be released only after payment in full has been confirmed.
The results symbols are explained below:
Marks | Symbols | Result |
75% or more | A | Distinction |
60% to 75% | B | Pass |
50% to 59% | C | Pass |
38% to 49% | D | Fail |
25% to 37% | E | Fail |
Less than 25% | F | Fail |
Individual Feedback Reports
Detailed examiners’ reports, which provide guidance as to the content and format of answers required, are available online to registered students via the online link. These are an essential component of the study programme and the only means of direct communication between examiners and students.
All applications for individual feedback reports must be accompanied by proof of payment in order to be processed.
It should be noted that an individual feedback report will not lead to any change to the results.
Re-writing a Failed Examination
If candidates fail an examination, they may rewrite the subject in question. However, they will need to re-enrol for the module at the full fee and follow the normal registration and enrolment processes.